Belated News

It seems it just keeps getting more difficult to write updates. Mainly because I want them to be upbeat and to have some good news. But there seems to be little of that. Since my last post I have actually had my last chemo treatment. After having a rheumatologist visit, I was cleared for immunotherapy so my oncologist wanted to get me started on that. Chemo went out with a bang with me vomiting nearly every day for over a week. 6 more pounds gone.

I had my second C T scan. The results were not good at all. The word new was sprinkled throughout the report seven times. The cancer tumors and lesions I already had grew and thickened. A second segment of my liver is now involved. More lymph nodes are involved. Both lungs are involved. I was devastated. It seems the chemo had no impact whatsoever.

Dr. Chiu is very optimistic about the immunotherapy. I had the first infusion but it was only with one of the three drugs necessary for the BEACON regime. We are waiting for the Cancer Center pharmacy to see if they can get the drug company to comp the pills or at least give them to me at a good discount. Otherwise they will cost $1200 per day. They are brand new drugs and aren't in most pharmacies databases yet. So they aren't covered by Medicare or Kroger's Drug Club. Without them I am likely at the end of the road.

Although immunotherapy is supposed to be milder on the system than chemo, I had some strange reactions after my first infusion. My leg was already bothering me, possibly a pinched nerve. After treatment I couldn't hardly walk on it. It was extremely painful, like someone stabbing me repeatedly with a knife. When we got home I developed chills and a fever that spiked to 101.1. 101.4 and I am to head to the ER. After all of that finally began to settle down, I threw up yet again. I have been OK since, just a bit more fatigued that before.

If I can do immunotherapy, and if I respond well, then Dr. Chiu wants to start me on a trial that he thinks will even help me more. The trial likely won't cost anything. Fingers crossed.

Some good news. My sons are coming to visit the week of Thanksgiving. I absolutely can't wait. What good medicine they will be for me. I hope I can eat because I think that is what we do best together! Cook and eat!!

And as always, I am thankful for my dear friends who take care of me constantly with their good thoughts and deeds. And that Hubby! I am so blessed.

If you want to follow my Go Fund Me page, Here is the link:


  1. Hey Pat!

    I am glad you are hanging in there. I can't imagine what it's like to be going through what you are. I will do another round of shares so that I can get people to donate. Medicine should be cheaper not expensive and I am grateful for insurance.

    If we didn't have the good insurance we have, we'd be paying $500 plus for my vocal cord injections so that I can talk.

    I now need a hearing aid for my right ear - ( this getting older business is for the birds) I have severe hearing loss in it. Its not cancer- but I feel ya on the costs of medicines and treatments. Hoping & praying that the immunotherapy works!!!



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